


Automatic, Signal and image processing, Computer engineering

Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence focusing on Personalisation in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems (CPSS).

Learn more about my PhD research 👉 Here


Thesis title: Constructive Social Choice With Setwise Max-Margin (Preference Elicitation)

Learn more about the thesis 👉 Here

Specialization courses

  • Machine learning
  • Big data analytics
  • Data Mining
  • Advanced Business Intelligence



  • Information retrieval (IR)


Professional services


Selected Publications


Courses and Lectures

Summer Semester 2024: Recommender Systems: an overview

  • Doctoral Course in Computer Science and Computer Engineering
  • University of Luxembourg. Luxembourg.

    Summer Semester 2024:

  • Introduction to Deep Learning,
  • Master of Data Science program at the University of Luxembourg. Luxembourg.

    The 7th Summer School on Computational Interaction

  • Computational Methods for Designing Recommender Systems
  • University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA (June 2023).

    Summer Semester 2023: Recommender Systems: an overview

  • Doctoral Course in Computer Science and Computer Engineering
  • University of Luxembourg. Luxembourg.

    Summer Semester 2023:

  • Prototyping with Deep Learning,
  • Master of Data Science program at the University of Luxembourg. Luxembourg.

    Winter Semester 2022: Recommender Systems: an overview

  • Doctoral Course in Computer Science and Computer Engineering
  • University of Luxembourg. Luxembourg.

    Winter Semester 2022:

  • Web development II: Back-end engineering
  • Bachelor of Computer Science program at the University of Luxembourg. Luxembourg.

    Summer Semester 2022:

  • Prototyping with Deep Learning
  • Master of Data Science program at the University of Luxembourg. Luxembourg.

    The 6th Summer School on Computational Interaction

  • Deep Learning
  • Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany (June 2022).


    Current and Past students

    Msc Students:

  • Désirée Claire Annie Lemarquis (University of Luxembourg, 2022).

  • What Can a Swiped Word Tell Us More? Demographic and Behavioral Correlates from Shape-Writing Text Entry

  • Victor Zhang ( University of Lorraine, TELECOM Nancy, 2022).
  • Paul Creusot ( University of Lorraine, TELECOM Nancy, 2022).
  • Arthur Schmidt ( University of Lorraine, TELECOM Nancy, 2022).

  • Personalized adaptation in Cobotics with Deep Reinforcement Learning

  • Najib Aghenda ( University of Lorraine, TELECOM Nancy, 2019).

  • Deep learning and clustering based recommendations

    Bsc Students:

  • LEOVEANU Bianca-Gabriela [BSP], University of Luxembourg, 2024 .

  • NovelNarratives: Crafting Tailored Literary Journeys through Advanced Personalized Book Recommendations

  • WILEMAN Matthew-Stephen [BSP], University of Luxembourg, 2024 .

  • Simulation of life on Titan

  • Alexandre Tinouert [Research Assistant], University of Luxembourg, 2023 .

  • Precision in Personalization: A Constrained Optimization Approach to Personalized Content and Path Recommendations

  • João Delfim Da Cruz Pereira [Bachelor Thesis], University of Luxembourg, 2023.

  • Euro Cordiale 2.0: Optimizing User Interaction in a Custom Design Template for a Modern Website

  • Angelica RINGS [BSP], University of Luxembourg, 202).

  • From Pixels to Provenance: Detecting AI-Generated Art


    Below, I post current openings that could be your next adventure. If you are interested to work with me in the intersection of Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) feel free to send me an email: bereket [DOT] yilma AT_SYMBOL uni [DOT] lu

    PhD Positions
      Current openings: 0

    Master's Thesis/ Internship/ Research Assistant
    BSP/ Bachelor Thesis/ Research Assistant

      Current openings: 0


    News & Media 2023


    Invited Talks & Panels


    bereket [DOT] yilma AT_SYMBOL uni [DOT] lu
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